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Established in 2000

MINTSOverviewDr. Julian Zugg
00:00 / 10:09

MINTS Refresh Newsletter for July, 2024


MINTS International Seminary was founded in 2000 as a Missionary Seminary. It started in Miami Florida to reach what National Geographic called "the most international city in the world."  As MINTS  began classes in other languages for the diverse Miami residents the work spread to new locations worldwide.

MINTS uses a "school without walls" approach." MINTS advocates taking the education to the people by having the professors go and establish new schools in an ever-expanding circle of communities rather than expecting students to come to one central location. MINTS provides curriculum, high academic standards, administrative software, and training to national believers to start schools in their own communities in churches, schools, and homes. They can do this with little or no cost so once they are established we assist them in establishing new centers in new areas so they can continue the Great Commission.


MINTS equips pastors, Christian workers, church planters, and professors through our theological degree programs:

Certificate for Theological Studies

Associate of Arts in Theological Studies

Bachelor of Arts in Theological Studies

Master of Arts in Theological Studies

Master of Divinity

Doctor of Ministry (for​ students that wish to teach)

The Doctor of Philosophy (for students that wish to teach)

As of 2022, we have 5,290 graduates serving in churches and ministries around the world.

MINTS is also free theological curricula in thirteen languages for use around the world. To see where we currently have learning centers (schools) go to the map shown below and click on the country or continent. To see the courses we offer at no cost click on "Academic Courses" in the menu above.


MINTS is an IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit educational ministry and is authorized by the Florida Department of Education's Council on Independent Education (CIE) to grant religious degrees.

MINTS International Seminary welcomes students from all religious backgrounds. MINTS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. MINTS is at its heart a mission-driven seminary.

All MINTS personnel are missionaries, and as such, they raise their own financial support to be involved in this worldwide ministry.


                     DID YOU KNOW?



Ninety-five (95) percent of the ministers in the world have no Biblical or Theological training. In order to equip these ministers,  MINTS provides accessible, affordable, and contextual theological education to prepare Christian leaders for Ministry. We offer seminary training, assisting them to create their own study groups and curriculum and we help them develop the next generation of pastors and leaders, theologians who then minister, spread the gospel, and begin new centers in their own country and continue to spread this to the world.

Our courses are primarily taught in local study centers that are:

  • ​Accessible We have professors that go and establish new schools in their own locations

  •  Locally Affordable MINTS International Seminary provides curriculum and training; we do not invest in expensive overhead expenses like buildings. We encourage the students to study in churches and schools

  • Accountable Our Coordinators and students must run their own learning centers in an ethical and financially responsible fashion. This also trains them to be better stewards in their churches

  • Sustainable All centers must sustain themselves. They are not dependent on outside funding

  • Reproducing The accessible, affordable, accountable, sustainable model allows for mature centers to create new centers

Our Degree Programs
Certificate In TheologicalStudies 

The Certificate is a stand-alone program and it is also designed to provide an entry-level certificate for studies

at the Bachelor's level for students who do not have a secondary-school diploma. 

This certificate is a ten (10) course program with coursework in Bible, Theology, Ministerial Work, Missions, Church History, and Liberal Arts

 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who doesn’t need to be ashamed, correctly teaching the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15 ESV

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