MINTS on-line giving is fast and the most efficient way of supporting MINTS. For GENERAL SUPPORT giving click on
the button above and fill out the form and click on the GIVE button to help with essential needs for MINTS like:
Administrative Support, Academic Registrar, Academic Record Keeping Software,
Office Equipment, Office Supplies, Printing, Shipping,
Postage, Domestic Travel, Exhibiting, Fund Raising.
GENERAL SUPPORT is an important option available in all categories of support.
Gifts can be split into different categories
MINTS workers are responsible to raise their own support. Some individuals prefer direct support to them while others
prefer to direct their gifts through MINTS. These are the workers currently in need of support through MINTS.
Click on the button above to direct individual support to:
Julian Zugg Dan Tidwell Nathan Buckman
The MINTS Seminary-in-Prison program is growing rapidly. Because of the prison environment, computer and internet availability is difficult. Help is needed for class materials to be reproduced and provided to students.
Website Development
The MINTS website is in need of a complete overhaul.
Because of the complexity of having academic course
material available for students AND general information for
the public and supports, we have turned to a professional
site designer for help.
Click on the button above to help support MINTS’ special projects.
Make check payable to MINTS
and mail to:
P.O. Box 18613
Sugar Land, TX 77496
Note any designated individual or project on memo line.
Contact Dan Tidwell via email to
receive information for wire or
Zelle transfer.

All gifts will receive a receipt. MINTS is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and gifts are
tax deductible as allowed by the IRS. Check with your tax accountant.